Thursday, January 29, 2009

Catching Up

Hello folks! Yeah, its been a while. Sorry about that. Life has been pretty crazy lately. I figure I better catch you up on a few things before we get back to the wacky nocturnal musings of my brain.

September: I got a new position at work and became the office manager. Yes, I also got a raise. :) I also got a new camera phone. The first pictures I took were of my adorable niece, Tressa. It was her birthday. She gets her chocolate fetish from her favorite!

October: Obviously, the best part of October is the end. So we'll skip straight to Halloween. My awesome roommates and I dressed up as characters from the board game Clue. I dare say, old chap, that we look pretty darn good! Janel is a properly prim Ms. Peacock. Andrea is a sassy, sexy Miss Scarlett. I'm a wickedly wonderful Mrs. White.

November: We went to a totally awesome One Republic concert and had a blast!! Thanksgiving was great spending time with family and feasting. Other than that it was a blur. But November needs a picture so how about one of snow in our front yard?

December: Of course Christmas was fantastic! It usually is! But here's the best story: Once upon a time, 4 Cinderellas got all dressed up for the ball. Unfortunately, the ball was a bust and no handsome princes were in attendance. Therefore the four Cinderellas along with 5 other beautiful princesses went bowling in their ball gowns and had a blast! To sum up: Ball:boring bust::bowling:blast!

January: So far its been great! Happy New Year to all of us! I spent New Years Eve at a ward party. We laughed, we sang, we played cards, and murdered people in the dark! Wahoo!

Note of Awesomeness: I'm going on a cruise!!!! Janel, Andrea, Kaija, and I will be off to the Bahamas in May! Lucky us! I'm anxiously awaiting sandy beaches, turquoise waters, and pirate adventures! Can't wait!!