Saturday, April 19, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

Today I turned 24 years old. Guess what? That's not as old as I thought it was when I was 12. Tonight I can't complain about it at all. I have had a fantastic birthday so far. (I have family coming over tomorrow and the festivities will continue.) I got to spend the whole day today doing things that I love to do. I went shopping with my mom and then hurried to get ready for both my performances with the Ogden LDS Institute Spring Show. I was also asked to sing in one of the pre-show devotionals. So, I got to sing/perform all day long in the company of some of my best friends and there was yummy food involved. Who could ask for more?

Ok...I probably could. Speaking of which...I've been begging my parents for a new mattress since the one I've been using I have had since I was 8 years old. So what did my eyes behold when I stepped into my room less than an hour ago? That's right! A new bed!!!!! Wa-freakin'-hoo!!! I am typing this from my new bed and enjoying the experience immensely.

I do need sleep though. Therefore, a continuation of this blog will appear tomorrow. Until then, sweet dreams!


Major Bubbles said...

Happy Birthday!

Shayle said...

YEA!! For Birthdays and a new bed! It sounds like you had a really fun day. Happy Belated Birthday and I hope the bed is everything you dreamed it would be.